Source code for pyActigraphy.analysis.lids

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings

from functools import reduce
from lmfit import fit_report, minimize, Parameters
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, poisson
from spm1d.util import smooth as spm_smooth

def _zero_crossing_points(x):
    r'''Zero crossing points'''
    x_sign = np.sign(x)
    zero_crossing = ((np.roll(x_sign, 1) - x_sign) != 0).astype(int)
    # the first point is set to 1 if the last and the first points have
    # different signs as the rolling window is cyclic
    zero_crossing[0] = 0
    return zero_crossing

def _extrema_points(df_dx, d2f_dx2):
    r'''Extrema (either minimum or maximum) points'''
    # Extrema are located where the first derivative, df_dx = 0
    extrema = _zero_crossing_points(df_dx)
    # Second derivative is used to differentiate maxima (d2f_dx2<0)
    # from minima (d2f_dx2>0)
    extrema = extrema*np.sign(d2f_dx2)
    return extrema

def _inflexion_points(df_dx, d2f_dx2):
    r'''Inflexion points'''
    # Inflexion points are located where the second derivative, d2f_dx2 = 0
    # The first derivative is then used to distinguish between an
    # 'increasing' or 'decreasing' inflexion.
    return _extrema_points(d2f_dx2, df_dx)

def _lids_func(x):
    r'''LIDS transformation function'''

    return 100/(x+1)

def _lids_inverse_func(x):
    r'''LIDS inverse transformation function'''

    return 100/x - 1

def _lids_pmf(x_lids, mu_lids):
    r'''Probability mass function of the LIDS'''

    # Expected number of counts
    mu = _lids_inverse_func(mu_lids)

    k1 = _lids_inverse_func(x_lids)
    k2 = _lids_inverse_func(x_lids+1)
    return poisson.cdf(k=k1, mu=mu) - poisson.cdf(k=k2, mu=mu)

def _cosine(x, params):
    r'''1-harmonic cosine function'''

    A = params['amp']
    phi = params['phase']
    T = params['period']
    offset = params['offset']

    return A*np.cos(2*np.pi/T*x+phi) + offset

def _lfm(x, params):
    r'''Linear frequency modulated cosine function'''

    A = params['amp']
    k = params['k']
    phi = params['phase']
    T = params['period']
    offset = params['offset']
    slope = params['slope']

    return A*np.cos(2*np.pi*(x/T+k*x*x)+phi) + offset + slope*x

def _lfam(x, params):
    r'''Linear frequency and amplitude modulated cosine function'''

    A = params['amp']
    b = params['mod']
    k = params['k']
    phi = params['phase']
    T = params['period']
    offset = params['offset']
    slope = params['slope']

    return (A + b*x)*np.cos(2*np.pi*(x/T+k*x*x)+phi) + offset + slope*x

def _residual(params, x, data, fit_func):
    r'''Residual function to minimize'''

    model = fit_func(x, params)
    return (data-model)

def _residual_rel(params, x, data, sigma, fit_func):
    r'''Residual function to minimize'''

    model = fit_func(x, params)
    return (data-model)/sigma

def _lids_likelihood(params, x, data, fit_func):
    r'''LIDS likelihood function

    Defined as the product of the probability mass functions, evaluated at each
    data point, using the current fit value as the expected value.

    NB: when the difference between the expected value and the observed one is
    large, the probability drops to zero, due to finite floating precision.
    A temporary solution consists in replacing all values below eps with eps.

    # Expected LIDS counts (i.e fitted values, 'mu_i')
    expected_val = fit_func(x, params)

    # Create empty array
    lids_ll = np.empty_like(expected_val)

    # Iterate over all the values of the currently fitted function
    it = np.nditer(expected_val, flags=['c_index'])
    while not it.finished:
        # lids_ll[it.index] = np.sqrt(
        #     -2*np.log(_lids_pmf(data[it.index], it[0]))
        # )
        lids_ll[it.index] = _lids_pmf(data[it.index], it[0])

    # Replace zeros with eps
    eps = np.finfo(data.dtype).eps, lids_ll < eps, [eps])

    return lids_ll

def _nlog(x):
    return -2*np.log(

[docs]class LIDS(): """ Class for Locomotor inactivity during sleep (LIDS) Analysis Winnebeck, E. C., Fischer, D., Leise, T., & Roenneberg, T. (2018). Dynamics and Ultradian Structure of Human Sleep in Real Life. Current Biology, 28(1), 49–59.e5. """ lids_func_list = ['lids'] fit_func_list = ['cosine', 'chirp', 'modchirp'] def __init__( self, lids_func='lids', fit_func='cosine', fit_obj_func='residuals', fit_params=None ): # LIDS functions lids_funcs = {'lids': _lids_func} if lids_func not in lids_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError( '`LIDS function` must be "%s". You passed: "%s"' % ('" or "'.join(list(lids_funcs.keys())), lids_func) ) # Fit functions fit_funcs = {'cosine': _cosine, 'chirp': _lfm, 'modchirp': _lfam} if fit_func not in fit_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError( '`Fit function` must be "%s". You passed: "%s"' % ('" or "'.join(list(fit_funcs.keys())), fit_func) ) # Fit objective functions (i.e. funcitons to be minimized) fit_obj_funcs = { 'residuals': _residual, 'nll': _lids_likelihood } # and associated functions to convert the residuals to a scalar value fit_reduc_funcs = { 'residuals': None, 'nll': _nlog } if fit_obj_func not in fit_obj_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError( '`Fit objective function` must be "%s". You passed: "%s"' % ('" or "'.join(list(fit_obj_funcs.keys())), fit_obj_func) ) self.__freq = None # pd.Timedelta self.__lids_func = lids_funcs[lids_func] # LIDS transformation fct self.__fit_func = fit_funcs[fit_func] # Fit function to LIDS self.__fit_obj_func = fit_obj_funcs[fit_obj_func] # Fit obj function self.__fit_reduc_func = fit_reduc_funcs[fit_obj_func] if fit_params is None: fit_params = Parameters() # Default parameters for the cosine fit function fit_params.add('amp', value=50, min=0, max=100) fit_params.add('phase', value=0.0, min=-2*np.pi, max=2*np.pi) fit_params.add('period', value=9, min=0) # Dummy value # Introduce inequality amp+offset < 100 fit_params.add('delta', value=60, max=100, vary=True) fit_params.add('offset', expr='delta-amp') # Additional parameters for the chirp fit function if fit_func == 'chirp': fit_params.add('k', value=-.0001, min=-1, max=1) fit_params.add('slope', value=-0.5) # Additional parameters for the modchirp fit function if fit_func == 'modchirp': fit_params.add('k', value=-.0001, min=-1, max=1) fit_params.add('slope', value=-0.5) fit_params.add('mod', value=0.0001, min=-10, max=10) self.__fit_initial_params = fit_params # self.__fit_params = None self.__fit_results = None # self.__fit_period = None @property def freq(self): r'''Sampling frequency of the LIDS transformed data''' if self.__freq is None: warnings.warn( 'The sampling frequency of the LIDS data is not set. ' 'Run lids_transform() before accessing this attribute.', UserWarning ) return self.__freq @property def lids_func(self): r'''LIDS transformation function''' return self.__lids_func @property def lids_fit_func(self): r'''Fit function to LIDS oscillations''' return self.__fit_func @lids_fit_func.setter def lids_fit_func(self, func): self.__fit_func = func @property def lids_fit_initial_params(self): r'''Initial parameters of the fit function to LIDS oscillations''' return self.__fit_initial_params @property def lids_fit_results(self): r'''Results of the LIDS fit''' if self.__fit_results is None: warnings.warn( 'The fit results is None. ' 'Run lids_fit() before accessing this attribute.', UserWarning ) return self.__fit_results
[docs] def filter(self, ts, duration_min='3H', duration_max='12H'): r'''Filter data according to their duration Before performing a LIDS analysis, it is necessary to drop sleep bouts that too short or too long. ''' def duration(s): return s.index[-1]-s.index[0] td_min = pd.Timedelta(duration_min) td_max = pd.Timedelta(duration_max) from itertools import filterfalse filtered = [] filtered[:] = filterfalse( lambda x: duration(x) < td_min or duration(x) > td_max, ts ) return filtered
def __smooth(self, lids, method, win_size): r'''Smooth LIDS data By default, smooth with a centered moving average using a `win_size` window''' # Smooth functions lids_smooth_funcs = ['mva', 'kernel', 'none'] if method not in lids_smooth_funcs: raise ValueError( '`LIDS smooth function` must be "%s". You passed: "%s"' % ('" or "'.join(list(lids_smooth_funcs)), method) ) if method == 'mva': return lids.rolling(win_size, center=True, min_periods=1).mean() elif method == 'kernel': smooth_lids = spm_smooth(lids.values, fwhm=win_size) return pd.Series(data=smooth_lids, index=lids.index) elif method == 'none': return lids
[docs] def lids_transform( self, ts, method='mva', win_td='30min', resampling_freq=None ): r'''Apply LIDS transformation to activity data This transformation comprises: * resampling via summation (optional) * non-linear LIDS transformation * smoothing with a centered moving average Parameters ---------- ts: pandas.Series Data identified as locomotor activity during sleep. method: str, optional Method to smooth the data. Available options are: * 'mva': moving average * 'kernel': gaussian kernel * 'none': no smoothing Default is 'mva'. win_td: str, optional Size of the moving average window. Default is '30min'. resampling_freq: str, optional Frequency of the resampling applied prior to LIDS transformation. Default is None. Returns ------- smooth_lids: pandas.Series ''' # Resample data to the required frequency if resampling_freq is not None: rs = ts.resample(resampling_freq).sum() else: rs = ts # Apply LIDS transformation x: 100/(x+1) lids = rs.apply(self.lids_func) # Store actual sampling frequency self.__freq = pd.Timedelta(lids.index.freq) # Series with a DateTimeIndex don't accept 'time-aware' centered window # Convert win_size (TimeDelta) into a number of time bins win_size = int(pd.Timedelta(win_td)/self.__freq) # Smooth LIDS-transformed data smooth_lids = self.__smooth(lids, method=method, win_size=win_size) return smooth_lids
[docs] def lids_fit( self, lids, method='leastsq', scan_period=True, bounds=('30min', '180min'), step='5min', nan_policy='raise', verbose=False ): r'''Fit oscillations of the LIDS data The fit is performed with a fixed period ranging from 30 min to 180 min with a step of 5 min by default. The best-fit criterion is the maximal Munich Rhythmicity Index (MRI). Parameters ---------- lids: pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. method: str, optional Name of the fitting method to use [1]_. Default is 'leastsq'. scan_period: bool, optional If set to True, the period of the LIDS fit function is fixed and varied between the specified bounds. The selected period corresponds to the highest MRI value. Otherwise, the period is a free parameter of the fit. Default is True. bounds: 2-tuple of str, optional Lower and upper bounds for the periods to be tested. If scan_period is set to False, the bounds are ignored. Default is ('30min','180min'). step: str, optional Time delta between the periods to be tested. nan_policy: str, optional Specifies action if the objective function returns NaN values. One of: * 'raise': a ValueError is raised * 'propagate': the values returned from userfcn are un-altered * 'omit': non-finite values are filtered Default is 'raise'. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display fit informations References ---------- .. [1] Non-Linear Least-Squares Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python. ''' # # Define residual function to minimize # def residual(params, x, data): # model = self.lids_fit_func(x, params) # return (data-model) # Define the x range x = np.arange(lids.index.size) if scan_period: # Define bounds for the period period_start = pd.Timedelta(bounds[0])/self.__freq period_end = pd.Timedelta(bounds[1])/self.__freq period_range = period_end-period_start period_step = pd.Timedelta(step)/self.__freq test_periods = np.linspace( period_start, period_end, num=int(period_range/period_step)+1 ) # Fit data for each test period mri = -np.inf fit_result_tmp = None initial_period = self.__fit_initial_params['period'].value for test_period in test_periods: # Fix test period self.__fit_initial_params['period'].value = test_period self.__fit_initial_params['period'].vary = False # Minimize residuals fit_result_tmp = minimize( self.__fit_obj_func, self.__fit_initial_params, args=(x, lids.values, self.lids_fit_func), nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=self.__fit_reduc_func ) # Print fit parameters if verbose if verbose: print(fit_report(fit_result_tmp)) # Calculate the MR index mri_tmp = self.lids_mri(lids, fit_result_tmp.params) if verbose: pearson_r = self.lids_pearson_r( lids, fit_result_tmp.params)[0] print('Pearson r: {}'.format(pearson_r)) print('MRI: {}'.format(mri_tmp)) # If the newly calculated MRI is higher than the current MRI if mri_tmp > mri and (test_period != period_end): # Store MRI mri = mri_tmp # Store fit parameters fit_result = fit_result_tmp if verbose: print('Highest MRI: {}'.format(mri)) # Set back original value self.__fit_initial_params['period'].value = initial_period self.__fit_initial_params['period'].vary = True else: # Minimize residuals fit_result = minimize( self.__fit_obj_func, self.__fit_initial_params, args=(x, lids.values, self.lids_fit_func), nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=self.__fit_reduc_func ) # Print fit parameters if verbose if verbose: print(fit_report(fit_result)) if verbose: # Calculate the MR index pearson_r = self.lids_pearson_r(lids, fit_result.params)[0] mri = self.lids_mri(lids, fit_result.params) print('Pearson r: {}'.format(pearson_r)) print('MRI: {}'.format(mri)) self.__fit_results = fit_result
# self.lids_fit_params = fit_result.params # self.lids_fit_period = fit_result.params['period'].value
[docs] def lids_pearson_r(self, lids, params=None): r'''Pearson correlation factor Pearson correlation factor between LIDS data and its fit function Parameters ---------- lids: pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. params: lmfit.Parameters, optional Parameters for the fit function. If None, self.lids_fit_params is used instead. Default is None. Returns ------- r: numpy.float64 Pearson’s correlation coefficient p: numpy.float64 2-tailed p-value ''' x = np.arange(lids.index.size) if params is None: params = self.lids_fit_results.params return pearsonr(lids, self.lids_fit_func(x, params))
[docs] def lids_mri(self, lids, params=None): r'''Munich Rhythmicity Index The Munich Rhythmicity Index (MRI) is defined as :math:`MRI = A \times r` with :math:`A`, the cosine fit amplitude and :math:`r`, the bivariate correlation coefficient (a.k.a. Pearson'r). Parameters ---------- lids: pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. params: lmfit.Parameters, optional Parameters for the fit function. If None, self.lids_fit_params is used instead. Default is None. Returns ------- mri: numpy.float64 Munich Rhythmicity Index ''' if params is None: params = self.lids_fit_results.params # Pearson's r pearson_r = self.lids_pearson_r(lids, params)[0] # Oscillation range = [-A,+A] => 2*A oscillation_range = 2*params['amp'].value # MRI mri = pearson_r*oscillation_range return mri
[docs] def lids_period(self, freq='s'): r'''LIDS period Convert the period of the LIDS oscillations as estimated by the fit function to a TimeDelta. Parameters ---------- s: str, optional Frequency to cast the output timedelta to. Default is 's'. Returns ------- lids_period: numpy.timedelta64[freq] Note ---- As there is no way to automatically derive the LIDS period from the fit parameters, the fitted period needs to be set via its own setter function. ''' if self.freq is None: # TODO: evaluate if raise ValueError('') more appropriate return None elif self.lids_fit_results is None: # TODO: evaluate if raise ValueError('') more appropriate return None else: lids_period = self.lids_fit_results.params['period']*self.freq return lids_period.astype('timedelta64[{}]'.format(freq))
[docs] def lids_phases(self, lids, step=.1): r'''LIDS onset and offset phases in degrees Parameters ---------- lids: pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. step: float, optional Step between points at which the LIDS fit is evaluated. Default is '0.1'. Returns ------- onset_phase, offset_phase: numpy.float64 ''' if self.lids_fit_results is None: # TODO: evaluate if raise ValueError('') more appropriate return None if self.lids_fit_results is None: # TODO: evaluate if raise ValueError('') more appropriate return None # Access fit parameters params = self.lids_fit_results.params # Fit support range x = np.arange(lids.index.size, step=step) # LIDS fit derivatives (1st and 2nd) df_dx = np.gradient(self.lids_fit_func(x, params), step) d2f_dx2 = np.gradient(df_dx, step) # Index of the 1st maxima (i.e 1st maximum of the LIDS oscillations) first_max_idx = np.argmax(_extrema_points(df_dx, d2f_dx2)) # Convert the index into a phase using the fitted period onset_phase = (first_max_idx*step)/params['period']*360 # Index of the last 'increasing' inflexion points in LIDS oscillations # before sleep offset last_inflex_idx = -1 * ( # reverse order to find last np.argmax(_inflexion_points(df_dx, d2f_dx2)[::-1]) + 1 # to account for index shifting during reverse (-1: 0th elem) ) # Convert the index into a phase using the fitted period offset_phase = np.abs(last_inflex_idx*step/params['period']*360) return onset_phase, offset_phase
[docs] def lids_convert_to_internal_time(self, lids, t_norm='90min'): r'''Convert LIDS data index to internal time. XXX Parameters ---------- lids: pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. t_norm: str, optional Default period used to normalize the fitted LIDS period. Default is '90min'. Returns ------- ts: pandas.Series LIDS data with internal time since sleep onset as index. ''' # External timeline of the current LIDS data since sleep onset t_ext = pd.timedelta_range( start='0 day', periods=lids.index.size, freq=self.freq ) # Scaling factor, relative to the LIDS period, normalized to t_norm scaling_factor = pd.Timedelta(t_norm)/self.lids_period() # Internal timeline (aka: external timeline, rescaled to LIDS period) # t_int = scaling_factor*t_ext t_int = pd.TimedeltaIndex(scaling_factor*t_ext.values, freq='infer') # Construct a new Series with internal timeline as index lids_rescaled = pd.Series(lids.values, index=t_int) # Resample LIDS data to restore the original bin width of its Index # Infer missing data via interpolation lids_resampled = lids_rescaled.resample( self.freq # label='right', # closed='right' ).mean() return lids_resampled.interpolate(method='linear')
[docs] def lids_summary(self, lids, verbose=False): r'''Calculate summary statistics for LIDS Fit all LIDS-transformed bouts and calculate the mean period, the mean mri, the mean number of LIDS cycles and the dampening factor of the mean LIDS profile. Parameters ---------- lids: list of pandas.Series Output data from LIDS transformation. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, print summary statistics. Default is False. Returns ------- summary: dict Dictionary with the summary statistics. ''' ilids = [] # LIDS profiles periods = [] # List of LIDS periods mris = [] # MRI indices ncycles = [] # Number of LIDS cycles/sleep bout for idx, s in enumerate(lids): # Fit LIDS data self.lids_fit(s, verbose=False) # Verify LIDS period period = self.lids_period(freq='s') # Calculate MRI mri = self.lids_mri(s) # Calculate the number of LIDS cycle (as sleep bout length/period): ncycle = s.index.values.ptp()/np.timedelta64(1, 's') ncycle /= period.astype(float) if verbose: print('-'*20) print('Sleep bout nr {}'.format(idx)) print('- Period: {!s}'.format(period)) print('- MRI: {}'.format(mri)) print('- Number of cycles: {}'.format(ncycle)) # Rescale LIDS timeline to LIDS period rescaled_lids = self.lids_convert_to_internal_time(s) periods.append(period) mris.append(mri) ncycles.append(ncycle) ilids.append(rescaled_lids) # Create the mean LIDS profile lids_profile = reduce( (lambda x, y: x.add(y, fill_value=0)), ilids )/len(ilids) # Fit mean LIDS profile with a pol0 fit_params = np.polyfit( x=range(len(lids_profile.index)), y=lids_profile.values, deg=1 ) # LIDS summary summary = {} summary['Mean number of LIDS cycles'] = np.mean(ncycles) summary['Mean LIDS period (s)'] = np.mean(periods).astype(float) summary['Mean MRI'] = np.mean(mris) summary[ 'LIDS dampening factor (counts/{})'.format(self.freq) ] = fit_params[0] return summary