Source code for pyActigraphy.sleep.diary

import os
import pandas as pd
import pyexcel as pxl

[docs]class SleepDiary(): """Class for reading sleep diaries.""" def __init__( self, input_fname, start_time, periods, frequency, header_size=2, state_index=dict(ACTIVE=2, NAP=1, NIGHT=0, NOWEAR=-1), state_colour=dict( NAP='#7bc043', NIGHT='#d3d3d3', NOWEAR='#ee4035' ) ): # get absolute file path input_fname = os.path.abspath(input_fname) sd_array = pxl.get_array(file_name=input_fname) self.__name = sd_array[0][1] self.__diary = pd.DataFrame( sd_array[header_size+1:], columns=sd_array[header_size]).astype({ 'TYPE': 'str', 'START': 'datetime64[ns]', 'END': 'datetime64[ns]' }) # .drop(['DURATION (min)'], axis=1).dropna() # Inplace drop of useless columns # TODO: find a way to drop all the useless cols in a programmatical way self.__diary.drop( columns=['DURATION (min)'], inplace=True, errors='ignore' ) # Inplace drop of NA self.__diary.dropna(inplace=True) self.__state_index = state_index self.__state_colour = state_colour # Create a time series with ACTIVE as default value. self.__raw_data = pd.Series( data=self.__state_index['ACTIVE'], index=pd.date_range( start_time, periods=periods, freq=frequency ), dtype=int ) # Replace the default value with the ones found in the sleep diary. for index, row in self.__diary.iterrows(): self.__raw_data[ row['START']:row['END'] ] = self.__state_index[row['TYPE']] # Create a template shape to overlay over a plotly plot self.__shaded_area = dict( type='rect', xref='x', yref='paper', x0=0, y0=0, x1=1, y1=1, fillcolor='', opacity=0.5, layer='below', line=dict(width=0) ) @property def name(self): """The name of the subject.""" return self.__name @property def diary(self): """The dataframe containing the data found in the sleep diary.""" return self.__diary @property def state_index(self): """The indices assigned to the states found in the sleep diary.""" return self.__state_index @state_index.setter def state_index(self, value): self.__state_index = value @property def state_colour(self): """The colours assigned to the states found in the sleep diary.""" return self.__state_colour @state_colour.setter def state_colour(self, value): self.__state_colour = value @property def raw_data(self): """The time series related to the states found in the sleep diary.""" return self.__raw_data @property def shaded_area(self): """The template shape which can be overlaid over a plotly plot of the associated actimetry time series.""" return self.__shaded_area @shaded_area.setter def shaded_area(self, value): self.__shaded_area = value def shapes(self): """ """ shapes = [] for index, row in self.__diary.iterrows(): shape = self.__shaded_area.copy() shape['x0'] = row['START'] shape['x1'] = row['END'] shape['fillcolor'] = self.__state_colour[row['TYPE']] shapes.append(shape) return shapes
[docs] def summary(self): """ Returns a dataframe of summary statistics.""" if 'DURATION' not in self.__diary.columns: self.__diary['DURATION'] = self.__diary['END']\ - self.__diary['START'] return self.__diary.groupby(['TYPE'])['DURATION'].describe()
[docs] def state_infos(self, state): """ Returns summary statistics for a given state Parameters ---------- state: str State of interest Returns ------- mean: pd.Timedelta Mean duration of the required state. std: pd.Timedelta Standard deviation of the durations of the required state. """ # Re-use the summary function summary = self.summary() # Verify that the state is present in the summary object if state not in summary.index: raise KeyError( "{} is not a valid state. Valid states are {}".format( state, '" or "'.join(summary.index) ) ) # Access the summary object to get the mean mean = summary.loc[state, 'mean'] # Access the summary object to get the std std = summary.loc[state, 'std'] return mean, std
[docs] def total_bed_time(self, state='NIGHT'): """ Returns the total in-bed time Parameters ---------- state : str, optional State of interest. Default is 'NIGHT'. Returns ------- mean: pd.Timedelta Mean duration of the required state. std: pd.Timedelta Standard deviation of the durations of the required state. """ return self.state_infos(state)
[docs] def total_nap_time(self, state='NAP'): """ Returns the total nap time Parameters ---------- state : str, optional State of interest. Default is 'NAP'. Returns ------- mean: pd.Timedelta Mean duration of the required state. std: pd.Timedelta Standard deviation of the durations of the required state. """ return self.state_infos(state)
[docs] def total_nowear_time(self, state='NOWEAR'): """ Returns the total 'no-wear' time Parameters ---------- state : str, optional State of interest. Default is 'NOWEAR'. Returns ------- mean: pd.Timedelta Mean duration of the required state. std: pd.Timedelta Standard deviation of the durations of the required state. """ return self.state_infos(state)