Source code for pyActigraphy.metrics.metrics

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
# from functools import lru_cache
from ..utils.utils import _average_daily_activity
from ..utils.utils import _activity_onset_time
from ..utils.utils import _activity_offset_time
from ..utils.utils import _shift_time_axis
# from ..sleep.scoring import AonT, AoffT
from statistics import mean
import statsmodels.api as sm

__all__ = [
    # '_average_daily_activity',
    '_lmx', '_interval_maker',

def _average_daily_total_activity(data, rescale, exclude_ends):
    r"""Calculate the average daily activity"""

    # Shortcut: if rescale is false, compute the daily average
    if rescale is False:
        daily_sum = data.resample('1D').sum()
        # Aggregate data daily:
        # - compute the daily sum
        # - count the number of epochs included in each day
        daily_agg = data.resample('1D').agg(['count', 'sum'])

        # Compute weights as a function of the number of epochs per day:
        # weight =  (#epochs/day) / (#count/day)
        # NB: needed to account for potentially masked periods.
        daily_agg['weigth'] = (pd.Timedelta('24h')/data.index.freq)
        daily_agg['weigth'] /= daily_agg['count']

        # Rescale activity
        daily_sum = daily_agg['sum']*daily_agg['weigth']

    # Exclude first and last days
    if exclude_ends:
        daily_sum = daily_sum.iloc[1:-1]

    return daily_sum.mean()

def _interdaily_stability(data):
    r"""Calculate the interdaily stability"""

    d_24h = data.groupby([

    d_1h = data.var()

    return (d_24h / d_1h)

def _intradaily_variability(data):
    r"""Calculate the intradaily variability"""

    c_1h = data.diff(1).pow(2).mean()

    d_1h = data.var()

    return (c_1h / d_1h)

def _lmx(data, period, lowest=True):
    """Calculate the start time and mean activity of the period of
    lowest/highest activity"""

    avgdaily = _average_daily_activity(data=data, cyclic=True)

    n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta(period)/avgdaily.index.freq)

    mean_activity = avgdaily.rolling(period).sum().shift(-n_epochs+1)

    if lowest:
        t_start = mean_activity.idxmin()
        t_start = mean_activity.idxmax()

    lmx = mean_activity[t_start]/n_epochs
    return t_start, lmx

def _interval_maker(index, period, verbose):
    """ """
    # TODO: test if period is a valid string

    (num_periods, td) = divmod(
        (index[-1] - index[0]), pd.Timedelta(period)
    if verbose:
        print("Number of periods: {0}\n Time unaccounted for: {1}".format(
            '{} days, {}h, {}m, {}s'.format(
                (td.seconds//60) % 60,
                td.seconds % 60

    intervals = [(
        index[0] + (i)*pd.Timedelta(period),
        index[0] + (i+1)*pd.Timedelta(period))
        for i in range(0, num_periods)

    return intervals

def _count_consecutive_values(data):
    """ Create a count list for identical consecutive numbers
    together with a state for each series:
     - 1 if the sum of the consecutive series numbers is positive
     - 0 otherwise

    consecutive_values = data.groupby(
        # create identical 'labels' for identical consecutive numbers
    ).agg(['count', lambda x: (np.sum(x) > 0).astype(int)])
    # rename columns
    consecutive_values.columns = ['counts', 'state']

    return consecutive_values

def _count_consecutive_zeros(data):
    ccz = _count_consecutive_values(data)
    ccz['end'] = ccz['counts'].cumsum()
    ccz['start'] = ccz['end'].shift(1).fillna(0).astype(int)
    return ccz[ccz['state'] < 1]

def _transition_prob(data, from_zero_to_one):

    # Create a list of consecutive sequence of active/rest epochs
    ccv = _count_consecutive_values(data)
    # filter out sequences of active epochs
    if from_zero_to_one is True:
        bouts = ccv[ccv['state'] < 1]['counts']
        bouts = ccv[ccv['state'] > 0]['counts']
    # Count the number of sequences of length N for N=1...Nmax
    Nt = bouts.groupby(bouts).count()
    # Create its reverse cumulative sum so that Nt at index t is equal to
    # the number of sequences of lengths t or longer.
    Nt = np.cumsum(Nt[::-1])[::-1]
    # Rest->Activity (or Activity->Rest) transition probability at time t,
    # defined as the number of sequences for which R->A at time t+1 / Nt
    prob = Nt.diff(-1)/Nt
    # Correct pRA for discontinuities due to sparse data
    prob = prob.dropna() / np.diff(prob.index.tolist())
    # Define the weights as the square root of the number of runs
    # contributing to each probability estimate
    prob_weights = np.sqrt(Nt+Nt.shift(-1)).dropna()

    return prob, prob_weights

def _transition_prob_sustain_region(prob, prob_weights, frac=.3, it=0):

    # Fit the 'prob' distribution with a LOWESS
    lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(
        prob.values, prob.index, return_sorted=False, frac=frac, it=it

    # Calculate the pRA std
    std = prob.std()

    # Check which residuals are below 1 sigma
    prob_residuals_below_one_std = _count_consecutive_values(
        ((prob-lowess).abs() < std).astype(int)

    # Find the index of the longest series of consecutive values below 1 SD
    index = prob_residuals_below_one_std[
        prob_residuals_below_one_std['state'] > 0

    # Calculate the cumulative sum of the indices of series of consecutive
    # values of residuals below 1 SD in order to find the number of points
    # before the "index".
    prob_cumsum = prob_residuals_below_one_std['counts'].cumsum()

    # Calculate the start and end indices
    if index < prob_cumsum.index.min():
        start_index = 0
        start_index = prob_cumsum[index]
    # start_index = prob_cumsum[index]+1
    end_index = prob_cumsum[index+1]

    kProb = np.average(
    return kProb

def _td_format(td):
    return '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(

[docs]class MetricsMixin(object): """ Mixin Class """
[docs] def average_daily_activity( self, freq='5min', cyclic=False, binarize=True, threshold=4, time_origin=None, whs='1h' ): r"""Average daily activity distribution Calculate the daily profile of activity. Data are averaged over all the days. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling frequency. Cf. #timeseries-offset-aliases in <>. cyclic: bool, optional If set to True, two daily profiles are concatenated to ensure continuity between the last point of the day and the first one. Default is False. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. time_origin: str or pd.Timedelta, optional If not None, origin of the time axis for the daily profile. Original time bins are translated as time delta with respect to this new origin. Default is None Supported time string: 'AonT', 'AoffT', any 'HH:MM:SS' whs: str, optional Window half size parameter for the detection of the activity onset/offset time. Relevant only if time_origin is set to 'AonT' or AoffT'. Default is '1h'. Returns ------- raw : pandas.Series A Series containing the daily activity profile with a 24h index. """ data = self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) if time_origin is None: return _average_daily_activity(data, cyclic=cyclic) else: if cyclic is True: raise NotImplementedError( 'Setting a time origin while cyclic option is True is not ' 'implemented yet.' ) avgdaily = _average_daily_activity(data, cyclic=False) if isinstance(time_origin, str): # Regex pattern for HH:MM:SS time string pattern = re.compile( r"^([0-1]\d|2[0-3])(?::([0-5]\d))(?::([0-5]\d))$" ) if time_origin == 'AonT': # Convert width half size from Timedelta to a nr of points whs = int(pd.Timedelta(whs)/data.index.freq) time_origin = _activity_onset_time(avgdaily, whs=whs) elif time_origin == 'AoffT': # Convert width half size from Timedelta to a nr of points whs = int(pd.Timedelta(whs)/data.index.freq) time_origin = _activity_offset_time(avgdaily, whs=whs) elif pattern.match(time_origin): time_origin = pd.Timedelta(time_origin) else: raise ValueError( 'Time origin format ({}) not supported.\n'.format( time_origin ) + 'Supported format: {}.'.format('HH:MM:SS') ) elif not isinstance(time_origin, pd.Timedelta): raise ValueError( 'Time origin is neither a time string with a supported' 'format, nor a pd.Timedelta.' ) # Round time origin to the required frequency time_origin = time_origin.round(data.index.freq) shift = int((pd.Timedelta('12h')-time_origin)/data.index.freq) return _shift_time_axis(avgdaily, shift)
[docs] def average_daily_light(self, freq='5min', cyclic=False): r"""Average daily light distribution Calculate the daily profile of light exposure (in lux). Data are averaged over all the days. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling frequency. Cf. #timeseries-offset-aliases in <>. cyclic: bool, optional If set to True, two daily profiles are concatenated to ensure continuity between the last point of the day and the first one. Default is False. Returns ------- raw : pandas.Series A Series containing the daily profile of light exposure with a 24h index. """ light = self.resampled_light(freq) avgdaily_light = _average_daily_activity(light, cyclic=cyclic) return avgdaily_light
[docs] def ADAT( self, binarize=True, threshold=4, rescale=True, exclude_ends=False ): """Total average daily activity Calculate the total activity counts, averaged over all the days. Parameters ---------- binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. rescale: bool, optional If set to True, the activity counts are rescaled to account for masked periods (if any). Default is True. exclude_ends: bool, optional If set to True, the first and last daily periods are excluded from the calculation. Useful when the recording does start or end at midnigth. Default is False. Returns ------- adat : int """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = adat = _average_daily_total_activity( data, rescale=rescale, exclude_ends=exclude_ends) return adat
[docs] def ADATp( self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, rescale=True, exclude_ends=False, verbose=False ): """Total average daily activity per period Calculate the total activity counts, averaged over each consecutive period contained in the data. The number of periods Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time length of the period to be considered. Must be understandable by pandas.Timedelta binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. rescale: bool, optional If set to True, the activity counts are rescaled to account for masked periods (if any). Default is True. exclude_ends: bool, optional If set to True, the first and last daily periods are excluded from the calculation. Useful when the recording does start or end at midnigth. Default is False. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the data. Also display the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- adatp : list of int """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [ _average_daily_total_activity( data[time[0]:time[1]], rescale=rescale, exclude_ends=exclude_ends ) for time in intervals ] return results
[docs] def L5(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): r"""L5 Mean activity during the 5 least active hours of the day. Parameters ---------- binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. Returns ------- l5: float Notes ----- The L5 [1]_ variable is calculated as the mean, per acquisition period, of the average daily activities during the 5 least active hours. .. warning:: The value of this variable depends on the length of the acquisition period. References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.L5() 0.XXXX >>> rawAWD.L5(binarize=False) 0.XXXX """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('5H')/self.frequency) _, l5 = _lmx(data, '5H', lowest=True) return l5
[docs] def M10(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): r"""M10 Mean activity during the 10 most active hours of the day. Parameters ---------- binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. Returns ------- m10: float Notes ----- The M10 [1]_ variable is calculated as the mean, per acquisition period , of the average daily activities during the 10 most active hours. .. warning:: The value of this variable depends on the length of the acquisition period. References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.M10() 0.XXXX >>> rawAWD.M10(binarize=False) 0.XXXX """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('10H')/self.frequency) _, m10 = _lmx(data, '10H', lowest=False) return m10
[docs] def RA(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): r"""Relative rest/activity amplitude Relative amplitude between the mean activity during the 10 most active hours of the day and the mean activity during the 5 least active hours of the day. Parameters ---------- binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. Returns ------- ra: float Notes ----- The RA [1]_ variable is calculated as: .. math:: RA = \frac{M10 - L5}{M10 + L5} References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.RA() 0.XXXX >>> rawAWD.RA(binarize=False) 0.XXXX """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('5H')/self.frequency) _, l5 = _lmx(data, '5H', lowest=True) _, m10 = _lmx(data, '10H', lowest=False) return (m10-l5)/(m10+l5)
[docs] def L5p(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): r"""L5 per period The L5 variable is calculated for each consecutive period found in the actigraphy recording. Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of IS Default is '7D'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the activity recording, as well as the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- l5p: list of float Notes ----- The L5 [1]_ variable is calculated as the mean, per acquisition period, of the average daily activities during the 5 least active hours. .. warning:: The value of this variable depends on the length of the acquisition period. References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.duration() Timedelta('12 days 18:41:00') >>> rawAWD.L5p(period='5D',verbose=True) Number of periods: 2 Time unaccounted for: 2 days, 19h, 0m, 0s [0.XXXX, 0.XXXX] """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('5H')/self.frequency) intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [ _lmx( data[time[0]:time[1]], '5H', lowest=True ) for time in intervals ] return [res[1] for res in results]
[docs] def M10p(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): r"""M10 per period The M10 variable is calculated for each consecutive period found in the actigraphy recording. Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of IS Default is '7D'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the activity recording, as well as the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- m10p: list of float Notes ----- The M10 [1]_ variable is calculated as the mean, per acquisition period , of the average daily activities during the 10 most active hours. .. warning:: The value of this variable depends on the length of the acquisition period. References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.duration() Timedelta('12 days 18:41:00') >>> rawAWD.M10p(period='5D',verbose=True) Number of periods: 2 Time unaccounted for: 2 days, 19h, 0m, 0s [0.XXXX, 0.XXXX] """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('10H')/self.frequency) intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [ _lmx( data[time[0]:time[1]], '10H', lowest=False ) for time in intervals ] return [res[1] for res in results]
[docs] def RAp(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): r"""RA per period The RA variable is calculated for each consecutive period found in the actigraphy recording. Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of IS Default is '7D'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the activity recording, as well as the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- rap: list of float Notes ----- The RA [1]_ variable is calculated as: .. math:: RA = \frac{M10 - L5}{M10 + L5} References ---------- .. [1] Van Someren, E.J.W., Lijzenga, C., Mirmiran, M., Swaab, D.F. (1997). Long-Term Fitness Training Improves the Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythm in Healthy Elderly Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(2), 146–156. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.duration() Timedelta('12 days 18:41:00') >>> rawAWD.RAp(period='5D',verbose=True) Number of periods: 2 Time unaccounted for: 2 days, 19h, 0m, 0s [0.XXXX, 0.XXXX] """ if binarize is True: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) else: data = # n_epochs = int(pd.Timedelta('5H')/self.frequency) intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [] for time in intervals: data_subset = data[time[0]:time[1]] _, l5 = _lmx(data_subset, '5H', lowest=True) _, m10 = _lmx(data_subset, '10H', lowest=False) results.append((m10-l5)/(m10+l5)) return results
# @lru_cache(maxsize=6)
[docs] def IS(self, freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4): r"""Interdaily stability The Interdaily stability (IS) quantifies the repeatibilty of the daily rest-activity pattern over each day contained in the activity recording. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_. Default is '1H'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. Returns ------- is: float Notes ----- This variable is defined in ref [1]_: .. math:: IS = \frac{d^{24h}}{d^{1h}} with: .. math:: d^{1h} = \sum_{i}^{n}\frac{\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}}{n} where :math:`x_{i}` is the number of active (counts higher than a predefined threshold) minutes during the :math:`i^{th}` period, :math:`\bar{x}` is the mean of all data and :math:`n` is the number of periods covered by the actigraphy data and with: .. math:: d^{24h} = \sum_{i}^{p} \frac{ \left( \bar{x}_{h,i} - \bar{x} \right)^{2} }{p} where :math:`\bar{x}^{h,i}` is the average number of active minutes over the :math:`i^{th}` period and :math:`p` is the number of periods per day. The average runs over all the days. For the record, tt is the 24h value from the chi-square periodogram (Sokolove and Bushel1 1978). References ---------- .. [1] Witting W., Kwa I.H., Eikelenboom P., Mirmiran M., Swaab D.F. Alterations in the circadian rest–activity rhythm in aging and Alzheimer׳s disease. Biol Psychiatry. 1990;27:563–572. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.IS() 0.6900175913031027 >>> rawAWD.IS(freq='30min', binarize=True, threshold=4) 0.6245582891144925 >>> rawAWD.IS(freq='1H', binarize=False) 0.5257020914453097 """ data = self.resampled_data( freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) return _interdaily_stability(data)
[docs] def ISm( self, freqs=[ '1T', '2T', '3T', '4T', '5T', '6T', '8T', '9T', '10T', '12T', '15T', '16T', '18T', '20T', '24T', '30T', '32T', '36T', '40T', '45T', '48T', '60T' ], binarize=True, threshold=4 ): r"""Average interdaily stability ISm [1]_ is the average of the IS values obtained with resampling periods divisors of 1440 between 1 and 60 min. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency strings <>`_. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is set to 4. Returns ------- ism: float Notes ----- By default, the resampling periods are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48 and 60 min. References ---------- .. [1] Gonçalves, B. S., Cavalcanti, P. R., Tavares, G. R., Campos, T. F., & Araujo, J. F. (2014). Nonparametric methods in actigraphy: An update. Sleep science (Sao Paulo, Brazil), 7(3), 158-64. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.ISm() 0.5758268227551039 >>> rawAWD.ISm(binarize=False) 0.3915874151855646 >>> rawAWD.ISm(freqs=['10min','30min','1H'], binarize=False) 0.44598210450842063 """ data = [ self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) for freq in freqs ] return mean([_interdaily_stability(datum) for datum in data])
[docs] def ISp(self, period='7D', freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): r"""Interdaily stability per period The IS is calculated for each consecutive period found in the actigraphy recording. Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of IS Default is '7D'. freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_. Default is '1H'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the activity recording, as well as the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- isp: list of float Notes ----- Periods are consecutive and all of the required duration. If the last consecutive period is shorter than required, the IS is not calculated for that period. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.duration() Timedelta('12 days 18:41:00') >>> rawAWD.ISp(period='5D',verbose=True) Number of periods: 2 Time unaccounted for: 2 days, 19h, 0m, 0s [0.7565263007902066, 0.866544730769211] """ data = self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [ _interdaily_stability(data[time[0]:time[1]]) for time in intervals ] return results
# @lru_cache(maxsize=6)
[docs] def IV(self, freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4): r"""Intradaily variability The Intradaily Variability (IV) quantifies the variability of the activity recording. This variable thus measures the rest or activity fragmentation. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_. Default is '1H'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. Returns ------- iv: float Notes ----- It is defined in ref [1]_: .. math:: IV = \frac{c^{1h}}{d^{1h}} with: .. math:: d^{1h} = \sum_{i}^{n}\frac{\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}}{n} where :math:`x_{i}` is the number of active (counts higher than a predefined threshold) minutes during the :math:`i^{th}` period, :math:`\bar{x}` is the mean of all data and :math:`n` is the number of periods covered by the actigraphy data, and with: .. math:: c^{1h} = \sum_{i}^{n-1} \frac{ \left( x_{i+1} - x_{i} \right)^{2} }{n-1} References ---------- .. [1] Witting W., Kwa I.H., Eikelenboom P., Mirmiran M., Swaab D.F. Alterations in the circadian rest–activity rhythm in aging and Alzheimer׳s disease. Biol Psychiatry. 1990;27:563–572. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.IV() 0.46185426426324316 >>> rawAWD.IV(freq='30min', binarize=True, threshold=4) 0.4150769573937417 >>> rawAWD.IV(freq='1H', binarize=False) 0.7859579446494547 """ data = self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) return _intradaily_variability(data)
[docs] def IVm( self, freqs=[ '1T', '2T', '3T', '4T', '5T', '6T', '8T', '9T', '10T', '12T', '15T', '16T', '18T', '20T', '24T', '30T', '32T', '36T', '40T', '45T', '48T', '60T' ], binarize=True, threshold=4 ): r"""Average intradaily variability IVm [1]_ is the average of the IV values obtained with resampling periods divisors of 1440 between 1 and 60 min. Parameters ---------- freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency strings <>`_. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is set to 4. Returns ------- ivm: float Notes ----- By default, the resampling periods are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48 and 60 min. References ---------- .. [1] Gonçalves, B. S., Cavalcanti, P. R., Tavares, G. R., Campos, T. F., & Araujo, J. F. (2014). Nonparametric methods in actigraphy: An update. Sleep science (Sao Paulo, Brazil), 7(3), 158-64. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.IVm() 0.3482306825356382 >>> rawAWD.IVm(binarize=False) 0.6414533006190071 >>> rawAWD.IVm(freqs=['10min','30min','1H'], binarize=False) 0.7124465677737196 """ data = [ self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) for freq in freqs ] return mean([_intradaily_variability(datum) for datum in data])
[docs] def IVp(self, period='7D', freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): r"""Intradaily variability per period The IV is calculated for each consecutive period found in the actigraphy recording. Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of IS Default is '7D'. freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_. Default is '1H'. binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. Default is 4. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the activity recording, as well as the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- ivp: list of float Notes ----- Periods are consecutive and all of the required duration. If the last consecutive period is shorter than required, the IV is not calculated for that period. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.duration() Timedelta('12 days 18:41:00') >>> rawAWD.IVp(period='5D',verbose=True) Number of periods: 2 Time unaccounted for: 2 days, 19h, 0m, 0s [0.4011232866522594, 0.5340044506337185] """ data = self.resampled_data(freq, binarize, threshold) intervals = _interval_maker(data.index, period, verbose) results = [ _intradaily_variability(data[time[0]:time[1]]) for time in intervals ] return results
[docs] def pRA(self, threshold, start=None, period=None): r"""Rest->Activity transition probability distribution Conditional probability, pRA(t), that an individual would be resting at time (t+1) given that the individual had been continuously active for the preceding t epochs, defined in [1]_ as: .. math:: pRA(t) = p(A|R_t) = \frac{N_t - N_{t+1}}{N_t} with :math:`N_t`, the total number of sequences of rest (i.e. activity below threshold) of duration :math:`t` or longer. Parameters ---------- threshold: int If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. start: str, optional If not None, the actigraphy recording is truncated to 'start:start+period', each day. Start string format: 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is None period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of pRA. Default is None. Returns ------- pra: pandas.core.series.Series Transition probabilities (pRA(t)), calculated for all t values. pra_weights: pandas.core.series.Series Weights are defined as the square root of the number of activity sequences contributing to each probability estimate. Notes ----- pRA is corrected for discontinuities due to sparse data, as defined in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Lim, A. S. P., Yu, L., Costa, M. D., Buchman, A. S., Bennett, D. A., Leurgans, S. E., & Saper, C. B. (2011). Quantification of the Fragmentation of Rest-Activity Patterns in Elderly Individuals Using a State Transition Analysis. Sleep, 34(11), 1569–1581. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> pRA, pRA_weights = rawAWD.pRA(4, start='00:00:00', period='8H') >>> pRA counts 1 0.169043 2 0.144608 3 0.163324 (...) 481 0.001157 Name: counts, dtype: float64 """ # Restrict data range to period 'Start, Start+Period' if start is not None: end = _td_format( pd.Timedelta(start)+pd.Timedelta(period) ) data = self.binarized_data( threshold ).between_time(start, end) else: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) # Rest->Activity transition probability: pRA, pRA_weights = _transition_prob( data, True ) return pRA, pRA_weights
[docs] def pAR(self, threshold, start=None, period=None): r"""Activity->Rest transition probability distribution Conditional probability, pAR(t), that an individual would be active at time (t+1) given that the individual had been continuously resting for the preceding t epochs, defined in [1]_ as: .. math:: pAR(t) = p(R|A_t) = \frac{N_t - N_{t+1}}{N_t} with :math:`N_t`, the total number of sequences of activity (i.e. activity above threshold) of duration :math:`t` or longer. Parameters ---------- threshold: int If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. start: str, optional If not None, the actigraphy recording is truncated to 'start:start+period', each day. Start string format: 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is None period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of pAR. Default is None. Returns ------- par: pandas.core.series.Series Transition probabilities (pAR(t)), calculated for all t values. par_weights: pandas.core.series.Series Weights are defined as the square root of the number of activity sequences contributing to each probability estimate. Notes ----- pAR is corrected for discontinuities due to sparse data, as defined in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Lim, A. S. P., Yu, L., Costa, M. D., Buchman, A. S., Bennett, D. A., Leurgans, S. E., & Saper, C. B. (2011). Quantification of the Fragmentation of Rest-Activity Patterns in Elderly Individuals Using a State Transition Analysis. Sleep, 34(11), 1569–1581. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> pAR, pAR_weights = rawAWD.pAR(4, start='00:00:00', period='8H') >>> pAR counts 1 0.169043 2 0.144608 3 0.163324 (...) 481 0.001157 Name: counts, dtype: float64 """ # Restrict data range to period 'Start, Start+Period' if start is not None: end = _td_format( pd.Timedelta(start)+pd.Timedelta(period) ) data = self.binarized_data( threshold ).between_time(start, end) else: data = self.binarized_data(threshold) # Activity->Rest transition probability: pAR, pAR_weights = _transition_prob( data, False ) return pAR, pAR_weights
[docs] def kRA( self, threshold, start=None, period=None, frac=.3, it=0, logit=False, freq=None, offset='15min' ): r"""Rest->Activity transition probability Weighted average value of pRA(t) within the constant regions, defined as the longest stretch within which the LOWESS curve varied by no more than 1 standard deviation of the pRA(t) curve [1]_. Parameters ---------- threshold: int Above this threshold, data are classified as active (1) and as rest (0) otherwise. start: str, optional If not None, the actigraphy recording is truncated to 'start:start+period', each day. Start string format: 'HH:MM:SS'. Special keywords ('AonT' or 'AoffT') are allowed. In this case, the start is set to the activity onset ('AonT') or offset ('AoffT') time derived from the daily profile. Cf sleep.AonT/AoffT functions for more informations. Default is None period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of pRA. Default is None. frac: float, optional Fraction of the data used when estimating each value. Default is 0.3. it: int, optional Number of residual-based reweightings to perform. Default is 0. logit: bool, optional If True, the kRA value is logit-transformed (ln(p/1-p)). Useful when kRA is used in a regression model. Default is False. freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_ applied to the daily profile if start='AonT' or 'AoffT'. Default is None. offset: str, optional Time offset with respect to the activity onset and offset times used as start times. Default is '15min'. Returns ------- kra: float References ---------- .. [1] Lim, A. S. P., Yu, L., Costa, M. D., Buchman, A. S., Bennett, D. A., Leurgans, S. E., & Saper, C. B. (2011). Quantification of the Fragmentation of Rest-Activity Patterns in Elderly Individuals Using a State Transition Analysis. Sleep, 34(11), 1569–1581. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.kRA(4) 0.09144435545010564 >>> rawAWD.kRA(4, start='00:00:00', period='8H') 0.13195826220778709 """ if start is not None and re.match(r'AonT|AoffT', start): aont = self.AonT(freq=freq, binarize=True, threshold=threshold) aofft = self.AoffT(freq=freq, binarize=True, threshold=threshold) offset = pd.Timedelta(offset) if start == 'AonT': start_time = str(aont+offset).split(' ')[-1] period = str( pd.Timedelta('24H') - ((aont+offset) - (aofft-offset)) ).split(' ')[-1] elif start == 'AoffT': start_time = str(aofft+offset).split(' ')[-1] period = str( pd.Timedelta('24H') - ((aofft+offset) - (aont-offset)) ).split(' ')[-1] else: start_time = start # Calculate the pRA probabilities and their weights. pRA, pRA_weights = self.pRA(threshold, start=start_time, period=period) # Fit the pRA distribution with a LOWESS and return mean value for # the constant region (i.e. the region where |pRA-lowess|<1SD) kRA = _transition_prob_sustain_region( pRA, pRA_weights, frac=frac, it=it ) return np.log(kRA/(1-kRA)) if logit else kRA
[docs] def kAR( self, threshold, start=None, period=None, frac=.3, it=0, logit=False, freq=None, offset='15min' ): r"""Rest->Activity transition probability Weighted average value of pAR(t) within the constant regions, defined as the longest stretch within which the LOWESS curve varied by no more than 1 standard deviation of the pAR(t) curve [1]_. Parameters ---------- threshold: int Above this threshold, data are classified as active (1) and as rest (0) otherwise. start: str, optional If not None, the actigraphy recording is truncated to 'start:start+period', each day. Start string format: 'HH:MM:SS'. Special keywords ('AonT' or 'AoffT') are allowed. In this case, the start is set to the activity onset ('AonT') or offset ('AoffT') time derived from the daily profile. Cf sleep.AonT/AoffT functions for more informations. Default is None period: str, optional Time period for the calculation of pRA. Default is None. frac: float Fraction of the data used when estimating each value. Default is 0.3. it: int Number of residual-based reweightings to perform. Default is 0. logit: bool, optional If True, the kRA value is logit-transformed (ln(p/1-p)). Useful when kRA is used in a regression model. Default is False. freq: str, optional Data resampling `frequency string <>`_ applied to the daily profile if start='AonT' or 'AoffT'. Default is None. offset: str, optional Time offset with respect to the activity onset and offset times used as start times. Default is '15min'. Returns ------- kar: float References ---------- .. [1] Lim, A. S. P., Yu, L., Costa, M. D., Buchman, A. S., Bennett, D. A., Leurgans, S. E., & Saper, C. B. (2011). Quantification of the Fragmentation of Rest-Activity Patterns in Elderly Individuals Using a State Transition Analysis. Sleep, 34(11), 1569–1581. Examples -------- >>> import pyActigraphy >>> rawAWD = + 'SUBJECT_01.AWD') >>> rawAWD.kAR(4) 0.041397590252332916 >>> rawAWD.kAR(4, start='08:00:00', period='12H') 0.04372712642257519 """ if start is not None and re.match(r'AonT|AoffT', start): aont = self.AonT(freq=freq, binarize=True, threshold=threshold) aofft = self.AoffT(freq=freq, binarize=True, threshold=threshold) offset = pd.Timedelta(offset) if start == 'AonT': start_time = str(aont+offset).split(' ')[-1] period = str( pd.Timedelta('24H') - ((aont+offset) - (aofft-offset)) ).split(' ')[-1] elif start == 'AoffT': start_time = str(aofft+offset).split(' ')[-1] period = str( pd.Timedelta('24H') - ((aofft+offset) - (aont-offset)) ).split(' ')[-1] else: start_time = start # Calculate the pAR probabilities and their weights. pAR, pAR_weights = self.pAR(threshold, start=start_time, period=period) # Fit the pAR distribution with a LOWESS and return mean value for # the constant region (i.e. the region where |pAR-lowess|<1SD) kAR = _transition_prob_sustain_region( pAR, pAR_weights, frac=frac, it=it ) return np.log(kAR/(1-kAR)) if logit else kAR
class ForwardMetricsMixin(object): """ Mixin Class """ # def mask_fraction(self): # # return { # iread.display_name: # iread.mask_fraction() for iread in self.readers # } # # def start_time(self): # # return { # iread.display_name: # str(iread.start_time) for iread in self.readers # } # # def duration(self): # # return { # iread.display_name: # str(iread.duration()) for iread in self.readers # } def ADAT( self, binarize=True, threshold=4, rescale=True, exclude_ends=False ): """Total average daily activity Calculate the total activity counts, averaged over all the days. Parameters ---------- binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. rescale: bool, optional If set to True, the activity counts are rescaled to account for masked periods (if any). Default is True. exclude_ends: bool, optional If set to True, the first and last daily periods are excluded from the calculation. Useful when the recording does start or end at midnigth. Default is False. Returns ------- adat : dict Dictionary with filenames as keys and ADAT as values. """ return { iread.display_name: iread.ADAT( binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, rescale=rescale, exclude_ends=exclude_ends ) for iread in self.readers } def ADATp( self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, rescale=True, exclude_ends=False, verbose=False ): """Total average daily activity per period Calculate the total activity counts, averaged over each consecutive period contained in the data. The number of periods Parameters ---------- period: str, optional Time length of the period to be considered. Must be understandable by pandas.Timedelta binarize: bool, optional If set to True, the data are binarized. Default is True. threshold: int, optional If binarize is set to True, data above this threshold are set to 1 and to 0 otherwise. rescale: bool, optional If set to True, the activity counts are rescaled to account for masked periods (if any). Default is True. exclude_ends: bool, optional If set to True, the first and last daily periods are excluded from the calculation. Useful when the recording does start or end at midnigth. Default is False. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display the number of periods found in the data. Also display the time not accounted for. Default is False. Returns ------- adatp : list of int Dictionary with filenames as keys and a list of ADAT per period as values. """ return { iread.display_name: iread.ADATp( period=period, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, rescale=rescale, exclude_ends=exclude_ends, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def L5(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.L5( binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def M10(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.M10( binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def RA(self, binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.RA( binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def L5p(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.L5p( period=period, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def M10p(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.M10p( period=period, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def RAp(self, period='7D', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.RAp( period=period, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def IS(self, freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.IS( freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def ISm( self, freqs=[ '1T', '2T', '3T', '4T', '5T', '6T', '8T', '9T', '10T', '12T', '15T', '16T', '18T', '20T', '24T', '30T', '32T', '36T', '40T', '45T', '48T', '60T' ], binarize=True, threshold=4 ): return { iread.display_name: iread.ISm( freqs=freqs, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def ISp(self, period='7D', freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.ISp( period=period, freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def IV(self, freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.IV( freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def IVm( self, freqs=[ '1T', '2T', '3T', '4T', '5T', '6T', '8T', '9T', '10T', '12T', '15T', '16T', '18T', '20T', '24T', '30T', '32T', '36T', '40T', '45T', '48T', '60T' ], binarize=True, threshold=4 ): return { iread.display_name: iread.IVm( freqs=freqs, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def IVp(self, period='7D', freq='1H', binarize=True, threshold=4, verbose=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.IVp( period=period, freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, verbose=verbose ) for iread in self.readers } def kRA(self, threshold=4, start=None, period=None, frac=.3, it=0, logit=False, freq=None, offset='15min'): return { iread.display_name: iread.kRA( threshold=threshold, start=start, period=period, frac=frac, it=it, logit=logit, freq=freq, offset=offset ) for iread in self.readers } def kAR(self, threshold=4, start=None, period=None, frac=.3, it=0, logit=False, freq=None, offset='15min'): return { iread.display_name: iread.kAR( threshold=threshold, start=start, period=period, frac=frac, it=it, logit=logit, freq=freq, offset=offset ) for iread in self.readers } def AonT(self, freq='5min', whs=12, binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.AonT( freq=freq, whs=whs, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def AoffT(self, freq='5min', whs=12, binarize=True, threshold=4): return { iread.display_name: iread.AoffT( freq=freq, whs=whs, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold ) for iread in self.readers } def fSoD( self, freq='5min', binarize=True, threshold=4, whs=12, start='12:00:00', period='5h', algo='Roenneberg', *args, **kwargs ): return { iread.display_name: iread.fSoD( freq=freq, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, whs=whs, start=start, period=period, algo=algo, *args, **kwargs ) for iread in self.readers } def average_daily_activity( self, freq, cyclic=False, binarize=True, threshold=4, time_origin=None, whs='1h' ): return { iread.display_name: iread.average_daily_activity( freq=freq, cyclic=cyclic, binarize=binarize, threshold=threshold, time_origin=time_origin, whs=whs ) for iread in self.readers } def average_daily_light(self, freq='5min', cyclic=False): return { iread.display_name: iread.average_daily_light( freq=freq, cyclic=cyclic ) for iread in self.readers } def Summary(self): # dict of dictionnaries ldic = {} ldic['Start_time'] = self.start_time() ldic['Mask_fraction'] = self.mask_fraction() ldic['Duration'] = self.duration() ldic['ADAT'] = self.ADAT() ldic['ADATp'] = self.ADATp() ldic['L5'] = self.L5() ldic['M10'] = self.M10() ldic['RA'] = self.RA() ldic['L5p'] = self.L5p() ldic['M10p'] = self.M10p() ldic['RAp'] = self.RAp() ldic['IS'] = self.IS() ldic['IV'] = self.IV() ldic['ISm'] = self.ISm() ldic['IVm'] = self.IVm() ldic['ISp'] = self.ISp() ldic['IVp'] = self.IVp() ldic['kRA(Midnight-5H)'] = self.kRA(start='00:00:00', period='5h') ldic['kAR(Noon-5H)'] = self.kAR(start='12:00:00', period='5h') ldic['AonT'] = self.AonT() ldic['AoffT'] = self.AoffT() ldic['fSoD(Noon-5H)'] = self.fSoD() if self.reader_type == 'RPX': ldic['average_daily_light'] = self.average_daily_light() # list keys of dictionnaries whose number of columns is variable: var_dic = ['ADATp', 'L5p', 'M10p', 'RAp', 'ISp', 'IVp'] # list of corresponding dataframes dfs = [] for key, value in ldic.items(): columns = [] if key in var_dic: # Get max length of value arrays max_length = np.max([len(x) for x in list(value.values())]) for i in range(max_length): columns.append( key+'(duration={0},period={1})'.format('7D', i+1) ) else: columns.append(key) df = pd.DataFrame( list(value.values()), index=value.keys(), columns=columns ) dfs.append(df) # join the dataframes recursively from functools import reduce df = reduce((lambda x, y: x.join(y)), dfs) return df