Source code for pyActigraphy.analysis.flm

import numpy as np
# import pandas as pd
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
import statsmodels.api as sm
# from import BaseRaw
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def _A(data):
    norm_factor = 1.349
    IQR = (np.percentile(data, 75) - np.percentile(data, 25))/norm_factor
    return np.minimum(data.std(ddof=1), IQR)

def _bandwith_factor(data):
    return _A(data)*np.power(data.size, -0.2)

def _get_kernel_size(data, method):

    # Calculate optimal kernel bandwith (i.e sigma)
    bw = _bandwith_factor(data)

    methods = ('scott', 'silverman')
    if isinstance(method, str):
        if method not in methods:
            raise ValueError(
                '`method` must be "{}". You passed: "{}’"'.format(
                    '" or "'.join(methods),
        elif method == 'scott':
            kernel_size = 1.059*bw
        elif method == 'silverman':
            kernel_size = 0.9*bw
    elif np.isscalar(method):
        kernel_size = method
        raise ValueError(
            '`method` must be "{}". You passed: "{}’"'.format(
                '" or "'.join(methods+['a scalar.']),

    return kernel_size

[docs]class FLM(): """ Class for Functional Linear Modelling""" def __init__(self, basis, sampling_freq, max_order=None): bases = ('fourier', 'spline') if basis not in bases: raise ValueError( '`basis` must be "%s". You passed: "%s"' % ('" or "'.join(bases), basis) ) self.__basis = basis self.__sampling_freq = sampling_freq self.__nsamples = None self.__max_order = max_order self.__basis_functions = None self.__beta = {} def __create_basis_functions(self, T): phi = [] # Construct the fourier functions (cosine and sine) if self.__basis == 'fourier': # T = int(pd.Timedelta('24H')/pd.Timedelta(self.sampling_freq)) omega = 2*np.pi / T t = np.linspace(0, T, T, endpoint=False) phi.append(np.cos(0 * t)) for n in np.arange(1, self.max_order+1): phi.append(np.cos(n * omega * t)) phi.append(np.sin(n * omega * t)) self.basis_functions = phi
[docs] def fit(self, raw, binarize=False, verbose=False): """Fit the actigraphy data using a basis function expansion. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of BaseRaw or its child classes Raw measurements to be fitted. binarize: bool. If True, the data are binarized (i.e 0 or 1). Default is False. verbose : bool. If True, print the fit summary. Default is False. Returns ------- y_est : ndarray Returns the functional form of the actigraphy data. """ daily_avg = raw.average_daily_activity( binarize=binarize, freq=self.sampling_freq ) self.__nsamples = daily_avg.index.size # Fourier if self.__basis == 'fourier': X = np.stack(self.basis_functions, axis=1) y = daily_avg.values model = sm.OLS(y, X) results = if verbose: print(results.summary()) self.__beta[raw.display_name] = results.params # Spline elif self.__basis == 'spline': from scipy.interpolate import splrep T = self.nsamples t = np.linspace(0, T, T, endpoint=True) k = 3 if self.max_order is None else self.max_order if verbose: print('Finding the {}-degree B-spline representation of' 'the input data'.format(k)) self.__beta[raw.display_name] = list( splrep(t, daily_avg.values, k=k) )
[docs] def evaluate(self, raw, r=10): """Evaluate the basis function expansion. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of BaseRaw or its child classes Raw measurements used to create the basis functions. r : int Ratio between the number of points at which the basis functions are evaluated and the number of points at which the basis functions were fitted. Default is 10. N.B.: only valid for splines. Returns ------- y_est : ndarray Returns the functional form of the actigraphy data. """ if not self.beta: raise ValueError( 'The basis function expansion parameters are empty.\n' 'Please run the `` method first.' ) # Fourier if self.__basis == 'fourier': X = np.stack(self.basis_functions, axis=1) y_est =, self.beta[raw.display_name]) return y_est # Spline elif self.__basis == 'spline': from scipy.interpolate import BSpline T = self.nsamples t = np.linspace(0, T, r*T, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float) y_est = BSpline(*self.beta[raw.display_name], extrapolate=False)(t) return y_est
[docs] def fit_reader( self, reader, binarize=False, verbose_fit=False, n_jobs=1, prefer=None, verbose_parallel=0 ): """Fit the actigraphy data contained in a reader using a basis function expansion. Parameters ---------- reader : instance of RawReader Raw measurements to be fitted. binarize: bool. If True, the data are binarized (i.e 0 or 1). Default is False. verbose_fit : bool. If True, print the fit summary. Default is False. n_jobs: int Number of CPU to use for parallel fitting prefer: str Soft hint to choose the default backendself. Supported option:'processes', 'threads'. See joblib package documentation for more info. Default is None. verbose_parallel: int Display a progress meter if set to a value > 0. Default is 0. """ # avoid Parallel overhead if n_job == 1 if(n_jobs == 1): for raw in reader.readers:, binarize=binarize, verbose=verbose_fit) else: def parallel_fitting(raw, binarize, verbose_fit):, binarize, verbose_fit) Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer=prefer, verbose=verbose_parallel)( delayed(parallel_fitting)( raw=raw, binarize=binarize, verbose_fit=verbose_fit ) for raw in reader.readers )
[docs] def evaluate_reader( self, reader, r=10, n_jobs=1, prefer=None, verbose_parallel=0 ): """Evaluate the basis function expansion made on actigraphy data contained in a reader. Parameters ---------- reader : instance of RawReader Raw measurements to be fitted. r : int Ratio between the number of points at which the basis functions are evaluated and the number of points at which the basis functions were fitted. Default is 10. N.B.: only valid for splines. n_jobs: int Number of CPU to use for parallel fitting prefer: str Soft hint to choose the default backendself. Supported option:'processes', 'threads'. See joblib package documentation for more info. Default is None. verbose_parallel: int Display a progress meter if set to a value > 0. Default is 0. Returns ------- y_est : ndarray Returns an array with functional forms of the actigraphy data. """ # avoid Parallel overhead if n_job == 1 if(n_jobs == 1): return dict([ (raw.display_name, self.evaluate(raw, r)) for raw in reader.readers ]) else: def parallel_evaluating(raw, r): return (raw.display_name, self.evaluate(raw, r)) return dict(Parallel( n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer=prefer, verbose=verbose_parallel )( delayed(parallel_evaluating)( raw=raw, r=r ) for raw in reader.readers ))
[docs] def smooth(self, raw, binarize=False, method='scott', verbose=False): """Smooth the actigraphy data using a gaussian kernel. Wrapper for the scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d function. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of BaseRaw or its child classes Raw measurements to be smoothed. binarize: bool. If True, the data are binarized (i.e 0 or 1). Default is False. method: str, float. Method to calculate the width of the gaussian kernel. Available methods are `scott`, `silverman`. Method can be a scalar value too. Default is `scott`. verbose: bool. If True, print the kernel size used to smooth the data. Default is False. Returns ------- y_est : ndarray Returns the smoothed form of the actigraphy data. """ daily_avg = raw.average_daily_activity( binarize=binarize, freq=self.sampling_freq ) # Calculate optimal kernel size bw = _get_kernel_size(daily_avg.values, method=method) if verbose: print('Kernel size used to smooth the data: {}'.format(bw)) return gaussian_filter1d( daily_avg, sigma=bw, mode='wrap' )
@property def sampling_freq(self): """The sampling frequency of the basis functions.""" return self.__sampling_freq @sampling_freq.setter def sampling_freq(self, value): self.__sampling_freq = value @property def nsamples(self): """The number of sample points for the basis functions.""" return self.__nsamples @property def max_order(self): """The maximal number of basis functions.""" return self.__max_order @property def basis_functions(self): """The basis functions.""" if self.__basis_functions is None: print("Create first the basis functions: {}".format( self.__basis ) ) self.__create_basis_functions(self.nsamples) return self.__basis_functions @basis_functions.setter def basis_functions(self, value): self.__basis_functions = value @property def beta(self): """The scalar parameters of the basis function expansion.""" return self.__beta