Source code for pyActigraphy.analysis.cosinor

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from lmfit import fit_report, minimize, Parameters

def _cosinor(x, params):
    r'''1-harmonic cosine function'''

    A = params['Amplitude']
    phi = params['Acrophase']
    T = params['Period']
    M = params['Mesor']

    return M + A*np.cos(2*np.pi/T*x+phi)

def _residual(params, x, data, fit_func):
    r'''Residual function to minimize'''

    model = fit_func(x, params)
    return (data-model)

[docs]class Cosinor(): """ Class for Cosinor analysis. Cornelissen, G. (2014). Cosinor-based rhythmometry. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 11(1), 16. """ def __init__( self, fit_params=None ): self.__fit_func = _cosinor # Fit function self.__fit_obj_func = _residual if fit_params is None: fit_params = Parameters() # Default parameters for the cosinor fit function fit_params.add('Amplitude', value=50, min=0) fit_params.add('Acrophase', value=np.pi, min=0, max=2*np.pi) fit_params.add('Period', value=1440, min=0) # Dummy value fit_params.add('Mesor', value=50, min=0) self.__fit_initial_params = fit_params @staticmethod def _convert_timestamp_to_index(ts): r'''Convert timestamps''' # Define the x range by converting timestamps to indices, in order to # deal with time series with irregular index. x = ((ts.index - ts.index[0])/ts.index.freq).values return x @property def fit_func(self): r'''Cosinor fit function''' return self.__fit_func @property def fit_initial_params(self): r'''Initial parameters of the cosinor fit function''' return self.__fit_initial_params @fit_initial_params.setter def fit_initial_params(self, params): self.__fit_initial_params = params
[docs] def fit( self, ts, params=None, method='leastsq', nan_policy='raise', reduce_fcn=None, verbose=False ): r'''Fit the actigraphy data using a cosinor function. Parameters ---------- ts : pandas.Series Input time series. params: instance of Parameters [1]_, optional. Initial fit parameters. If None, use the default parameters. Default is None. method: str, optional Name of the fitting method to use [1]_. Default is 'leastsq'. nan_policy: str, optional Specifies action if the objective function returns NaN values. One of: * 'raise': a ValueError is raised * 'propagate': the values returned from userfcn are un-altered * 'omit': non-finite values are filtered Default is 'raise'. reduce_fcn: str, optional Function to convert a residual array to a scalar value for the scalar minimizers. Optional values are: * 'None' : sum of squares of residual * 'negentropy' : neg entropy, using normal distribution * 'neglogcauchy': neg log likelihood, using Cauchy distribution Default is None. verbose: bool, optional If set to True, display fit informations. Default is False. Returns ------- fit_results : MinimizerResult Fit results. References ---------- .. [1] Non-Linear Least-Squares Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python. ''' # Define the x range by converting timestamps to indices, in order to # deal with time series with irregular index. x = self._convert_timestamp_to_index(ts) # Minimize residuals fit_results = minimize( self.__fit_obj_func, self.fit_initial_params if params is None else params, method=method, args=(x, ts.values, self.fit_func), nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=reduce_fcn ) # Print fit parameters if verbose if verbose: print(fit_report(fit_results)) return fit_results
[docs] def best_fit(self, ts, params): """Best fit function of the data. Parameters ---------- ts : pandas.Series Originally fitted time series. params: instance of Parameters [1]_ Best fit parameters. Returns ------- bestfit_data : pandas.Series Time series of the best fit data. References ---------- .. [1] Non-Linear Least-Squares Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python. """ # Define the x range by converting timestamps to indices, in order to # deal with time series with irregular index. x = self._convert_timestamp_to_index(ts) y = self.fit_func(x, params) return pd.Series(index=ts.index, data=y)
[docs] def fit_reader( self, reader, params=None, method='leastsq', nan_policy='raise', reduce_fcn=None, verbose_fit=False, n_jobs=1, prefer=None, verbose_parallel=0 ): r'''Batch cosinor fit Fit the actigraphy data contained in a reader using a cosinor function. Parameters ---------- reader : instance of RawReader Raw measurements to be fitted. params: instance of Parameters [1]_, optional. Initial fit parameters. If None, use the default parameters. Default is None. method: str, optional Name of the fitting method to use [1]_. Default is 'leastsq'. nan_policy: str, optional Specifies action if the objective function returns NaN values. One of: * 'raise': a ValueError is raised * 'propagate': the values returned from userfcn are un-altered * 'omit': non-finite values are filtered Default is 'raise'. reduce_fcn: str, optional Function to convert a residual array to a scalar value for the scalar minimizers. Optional values are: * None : sum of squares of residual * negentropy : neg entropy, using normal distribution * neglogcauchy: neg log likelihood, using Cauchy distribution Default is None. verbose_fit : bool. If True, print the fit summary. Default is False. n_jobs: int Number of CPU to use for parallel fitting prefer: str Soft hint to choose the default backendself. Supported option:'processes', 'threads'. See joblib package documentation for more info. Default is None. verbose_parallel: int Display a progress meter if set to a value > 0. Default is 0. References ---------- .. [1] Non-Linear Least-Squares Minimization and Curve-Fitting for Python. ''' # avoid Parallel overhead if n_job == 1 if(n_jobs == 1): results = [ (,, params=params, method=method, nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=reduce_fcn, verbose=verbose_fit ) ) for raw in reader.readers ] else: def parallel_fitting( raw, params, method, nan_policy, reduce_fcn, verbose ): fit_result =, params=params, method=method, nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=reduce_fcn, verbose=verbose ) fit_params = fit_result.params.valuesdict() # Add Goodness-of-fit informations fit_params['BIC'] = fit_result.bic fit_params['RedChiSq'] = fit_result.redchi return (, fit_params ) results = Parallel( n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer=prefer, verbose=verbose_parallel )( delayed(parallel_fitting)( raw=raw, params=params, method=method, nan_policy=nan_policy, reduce_fcn=reduce_fcn, verbose=verbose_fit ) for raw in reader.readers ) return pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame( res[1], index=[res[0]] ) for res in results ], axis=0)