==================== Python API Reference ==================== .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: :depth: 2 Reading actigraphy data ======================= Raw file reader --------------- Uniform API to read multiple actigraphy data formats. Currently, the supported formats are: * wGT3X-BT, Actigraph (.agd file format only); * Actiwatch 4, 7, L(-Plus) and MotionWatch 8, CamNtech (.awd and .mtn); * ActTrust 2, Condor Instruments (.txt); * Daqtometer, Daqtix (.csv); * Actiwatch 2 and Actiwatch Spectrum Plus, Philips Respironics (.csv) * Tempatilumi (CE Brasil) * MESA dataset file format * Biobankaccelerometer file format (BBA) Associated functions: .. currentmodule:: pyActigraphy.io .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary/ :template: function.rst read_raw_agd read_raw_atr read_raw_awd read_raw_bba read_raw_dqt read_raw_mesa read_raw_mtn read_raw_rpx read_raw_tal These functions return a `BaseRaw` object. which is the main class in pyActigraphy: :class:`pyActigraphy.io.BaseRaw` Batch reader ------------ Reading actigraphy files by batch: .. currentmodule:: pyActigraphy.io .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary/ :template: function.rst read_raw This function return a `RawReader` object: :class:`pyActigraphy.io.RawReader` Spurious activity masking ========================= * Masking: :mod:`pyActigraphy.filters.FiltersMixin` Log files ========= * Base log: :mod:`pyActigraphy.log.BaseLog` * Start/Stop time log: :mod:`pyActigraphy.log.SSTLog` Rest-Activity Rhythms ===================== * Non-parametric and transition probability methods: :mod:`pyActigraphy.metrics.MetricsMixin` Rest and Activity reports ========================= * Activity report: :mod:`pyActigraphy.reports.ActivityReport` Rest-activity scoring and sleep diary ===================================== * Rest-activity scoring: :mod:`pyActigraphy.sleep.ScoringMixin` * Sleep diary: :mod:`pyActigraphy.sleep.SleepDiary` * Sleep bout identification: :mod:`pyActigraphy.sleep.SleepBoutMixin` Light-specific modules ===================================== * Light recording class: :mod:`pyActigraphy.light.LightRecording` * Light exposure metrics: :mod:`pyActigraphy.light.LightMetricsMixin` * Generic light class example: :mod:`pyActigraphy.light.GenLightDevice` Analysis ======== * Cosinor analysis: :mod:`pyActigraphy.analysis.Cosinor` * Functional linear modeling: :mod:`pyActigraphy.analysis.FLM` * Fractality analysis: :mod:`pyActigraphy.analysis.Fractal` * Locomotor inactivity during sleep (LIDS): :mod:`pyActigraphy.analysis.LIDS` * Singular spectrum analysis : :mod:`pyActigraphy.analysis.SSA`